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Tungnan was established in 1970. In 2000, the school system changed to “Tungnan Institute” and as of 2007, the institute had become “Tungnan University”.This college initially started with five departments:
- The Department of Travel and Ecotourism, established in 2003, started off in the College of Management and was later grouped into this current college.
- The Department of Leisure Management, established in 2006, started off in the College of Management and was later grouped into the College of Applied Life in 2011 and later to this current college in 2015.
- The Department of Hospitality Management, once operated under the Department of Leisure Management, was established in 2010; it started off in the College of Management and was later grouped into the College of Applied Life in 2011 and later to this current college in 2015.
- The Center for Applied English was first established in 2000. It later developed to become the Department of Applied Foreign Languages in 2003, but in the subsequent year the faculty decided to switch focus mainly to English. In 2004, the Department of Applied English started off in the College of Management and was later grouped into the College of Applied Life in 2011 and later to this current college in 2015.
- The Department of Performing Arts was once a sector under the Department of Business Administration (with a focus on management in the Performing Arts industry). It officially became a department on its own as of August 2015.
As of 2017, the College of Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure merged with the College of Management to form the College of Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure, and Management. Currently, featured academic units include that of Hospitality Management, Leisure Management, Travel and Ecotourism, Applied English, Industrial Management, Performing Arts, Information Management, Business Administration, as well as Marketing and Logistics Management.
The university started off as an institute for industrial studies; however, in response to the expansion of the service industry, the university had hence established relevant programs to prepare students for the developing societal trends, an effort that is evident from the history of our departments. With the efforts of 84 faculty members and 2000 students in the college, we are dedicated to strive for professional excellence.